Is the hybrid work model of the future?

Hybrid model – combination of the best from both worlds

Since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, there have been permanent changes in working mode. Most of us were forced to work from our home, and in the end, we liked it so much that it was difficult for us to return to the “old way” of work. Of course, there were those who missed the office and non-obligatory interaction with colleagues. This is where a hybrid model emerges that is becoming increasingly popular as it offers the best of both worlds. The advantages of traditional work from 9 am to 5 pm and remote work are combined.


Example of a hybrid operation model,



The benefits and challenges it brings us

The benefits that the hybrid model brings us do not only apply to employees, but also to companies/organizations/employers and to us as a society in general. Below you can read all its advantages, but also the challenges you may face at the beginning and how to overcome them.


Benefits for employees

1) Flexibility and happiness of employees

People with experience in hybrid mode say the flexibility gives them brings more freedom, and that’s something we all strive for, right?

Having the ability to plan for ourselves what our work week will look like is the ideal way to do business for almost any of us. There is an improved balance between private and business life, and that ultimately makes us happier.

The hybrid model offers a multitude of different combinations, so for example, you can work two weeks from home or from some other location (depending on what you do) and the other two from the office. You can combine 2 days from office 3 from home or vice versa.


One of the possibilities of a hybrid work schedule,



2)  Saving money and time

The way we worked before the pandemic brought us a lot of costs, especially if we were quite far from the location of the company. The hybrid model saves extra because less public transport or a personal car is used. Also, we no longer have to waste time traveling to and from work, but we can use that time in a much smarter way.


3) Increased productivity

A lot of employers viewed the hybrid mode of operation with a dose of suspicion. They thought that employees with so much flexibility would work less, but that proved to be incorrect. Increased productivity makes sense because employees can fully focus on their work, without interrupting colleagues and noise that can be a major cause of lack of concentration and lost time. There is less stress because there is often no busy office atmosphere, so they can choose the time to work when they are most productive. Of course, not everyone will agree with this benefit because we do not all have adequate space where we could work, or we have space, but we do not always have the necessary silence. In such cases, it is always possible to do tasks that require a lot of concentration in the office or leave them for the days when you are alone at home.



Benefits for employers

In addition to the benefits that employees receive, employers also have a great advantage over the “old way” of working.


1) Reduced costs

Companies that have recognized all the benefits of this method and shown the courage to completely “switch” to this model, can now boast of reduced operating costs. Large workspaces are no longer necessary because half of the workers always work from home or from another location. Therefore, there is a reduction in rental costs, and thus the overhead of the necessary office equipment. The company can expand without having to provide physical space for a new worker.


2) Improved worker productivity

Workers who are satisfied with the conditions in the company, who are exposed to less stress, and have some flexibility, will automatically work better, which can only bring positive changes. Companies that can maintain a productive and happy workforce will ultimately be more competitive than those that are not.



Benefits for society in general

Apart from the benefits for employees, employers, and companies themselves, a hybrid mode of work could bring significant benefits to society in general.


1) Higher employment rates

Workers can look for jobs in a wider range of locations, and employers do not have to provide everyone with office space, so they can spend the rental money on smarter and more necessary things, such as hiring a new worker.


2) Less environmental pollution

It is well known that most pollution comes from means of transport (cars, motorcycles, trains, flights, etc.), and if this mode of operation is introduced globally, there would certainly be a significant reduction in pollution.


3) Healthier society

At the beginning of this blog, we already mentioned that it has been proven that employees are more satisfied, happier, and less exposed to stress, which affects the entire health of the worker, either mentally or physically. Of course, we are not saying that this way will solve all problems, but we believe that it would make it much easier and improve the quality of life.



Challenges of the hybrid model and how to solve them?

In addition to these benefits, the hybrid model can be quite challenging, but with good organization and work structure, everything is solvable.

Some of the challenges we may face:

  • Finding a suitable workspace
  • Leading a team from a remote location and establishing communication
  • Lack of communication with colleagues
  • Complete initial adjustment to the new mode


To avoid ambiguities, it is necessary that companies that implement this method or are just deciding on it define clear guidelines and tools for easier connectivity among employees. It is also possible to use robotic devices that monitor the work of employees and serve as a control mechanism. Before switching to a hybrid model, we advise you to find the best possible solution in agreement with your employees and arrange the schedule in a way that will suit everyone.

The hybrid model is gaining in popularity for good reason. It’s a great way to get the best of both worlds and can be tailored to your specific needs.







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